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Covid-19 Policy (updated FEB 2023)


Before SUP Barmouth Lessons/ Tours


  1. Skill level, age and ability will be carefully considered prior to Booking confirmation taking into account local Tides, weather forecasts and the current conditions on the day.

  2. If you or your household show any symptoms of Covid-19, you must not take part in or turn up to a SUP Barmouth lesson/ tour. Any cancellations due to this will be rescheduled or refunded. Communication regards this must take place by phone or e-mail.

  3. Any Instructor showing signs or Symptoms of covid-19 will not turn up to any SUP Barmouth lesson/ Tour. Any cancellations in the event on no Instructor available will be rescheduled or refunded. Communication regards this will be by phone or online.

  4. Hand sanitiser will be available upon arrival, but participants advised to bring their own.

  5. Participants can use own equipment/ wetsuits as normal and are encouraged to do so where possible.

  6. Wetsuits sizes to be provided if possible in advanced.

  7. Participants advised to turn up in appropriate swim wear to be warn under wetsuits ready for session for ease of changing.

  8. Showers at Merioneth Yacht Club will not be provided until further notice.

  9. All equipment provided including wetsuits and buoyancy aids will be thoroughly cleaned/disinfected and dried prior to arrival (no wetsuit shall be used twice on the same day)



On Arrival at SUP Barmouth


1. Upon arrival any PPE required for example face masks can be worn by participants while on land , but            facemasks will not be provided by SUP Barmouth 

2. Face masks may be worn by instructors but only if considered safe to do so i.e. on land during                      interaction with participants and in accordance with Government guidelines for outdoor activities.


During SUP Barmouth Lessons/ Tours


  1. All Safety briefings and SUP theory will be performed outside down by the water’s edge including Self Rescue techniques as standard

  2. Instructors and All participants will remain a safe distance from all other members of the public.

  3. Should assistance be required a SUP rescue towline will be attached between boards allowing for continued safe operating distances to remain during lessons/tours.

  4. Instructors have Full confidence in own ability to teach and offer guidance during all SUP Barmouth lessons in accordance with Covid-19 government guidelines.


After SUP Barmouth Lessons/ Tours


  1. Participants to remove own wetsuits/buoyancy aids and place in to sanitising/ disinfectant drum provided.

  2. All equipment used will be cleaned, disinfected and dried thoroughly after use

  3. Wetsuits will not be used again on same day and will be stored/ dried outside until dry.

  4. All participants details will be kept for contact tracing purposes in line with current government guidance and data collection.


Cancellation of SUP Barmouth lessons/ Tours due to Covid-19

  1. Given the everchanging advice, rules and restrictions enforced during Covid-19 we reserve the right to cancel before and during any SUP Barmouth Lesson/Tour.

  2. In the event of any forced cancellations due to Covid-19 a Full refund will be given or where possible rescheduling of the participants Lesson/ Tour offered.

Outdoor adventure activities in Snowdonia-SUP

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